SHINEDOW - A household appliances lifestyle brand. We name the brand and create a unique spelling of 'SHINEDOW', which means 'sunshine+window'. The brand is marked with oval arrangement, and through the use of rich colors, the brand can be separated from the inherent household appliance brand image visually, and deliver a more healthy, relaxed and ritual experience. Take more efficient and visual character illustration as the core of brand visual expression, and transfer the brand tonality of SHINEDOW.
向岛-小家电生活方式品牌。小家电品牌通常以工厂品牌的面貌呈现在消费者面前。近些年随着消费模式的转变,越来越多的单一系列家电品牌出现在市场上。此时,家电行业的品牌也面临新的挑战。 我们为品牌命名“向岛”并创造独特的拼写“SHINEDOW”,它是sunshine+window的简写,生活是一座个人行为的沉浸岛屿,我们在其中不断生长出新的灵感与想象。向岛,把每一种向往装进心里,以每一个细微洞察为灵感;想法滋生着、同时实践着。 以椭圆形排列字标作为品牌标识,并通过丰富色彩的运用使得品牌从视觉上脱离固有的家电品牌印象,传递更加健康、轻松且颇具仪式感的家电体验。以更高效、更视觉化的人物插图作为品牌视觉表达的核心,传递向岛的品牌调性。
SHINEDOW - A household appliances lifestyle brand. We name the brand and create a unique spelling of 'SHINEDOW', which means 'sunshine+window'. The brand is marked with oval arrangement, and through the use of rich colors, the brand can be separated from the inherent household appliance brand image visually, and deliver a more healthy, relaxed and ritual experience. Take more efficient and visual character illustration as the core of brand visual expression, and transfer the brand tonality of SHINEDOW.
向岛-小家电生活方式品牌。小家电品牌通常以工厂品牌的面貌呈现在消费者面前。近些年随着消费模式的转变,越来越多的单一系列家电品牌出现在市场上。此时,家电行业的品牌也面临新的挑战。 我们为品牌命名“向岛”并创造独特的拼写“SHINEDOW”,它是sunshine+window的简写,生活是一座个人行为的沉浸岛屿,我们在其中不断生长出新的灵感与想象。向岛,把每一种向往装进心里,以每一个细微洞察为灵感;想法滋生着、同时实践着。 以椭圆形排列字标作为品牌标识,并通过丰富色彩的运用使得品牌从视觉上脱离固有的家电品牌印象,传递更加健康、轻松且颇具仪式感的家电体验。以更高效、更视觉化的人物插图作为品牌视觉表达的核心,传递向岛的品牌调性。
SHINEDOW - A household appliances lifestyle brand. We name the brand and create a unique spelling of 'SHINEDOW', which means 'sunshine+window'. The brand is marked with oval arrangement, and through the use of rich colors, the brand can be separated from the inherent household appliance brand image visually, and deliver a more healthy, relaxed and ritual experience. Take more efficient and visual character illustration as the core of brand visual expression, and transfer the brand tonality of SHINEDOW.
向岛-小家电生活方式品牌。小家电品牌通常以工厂品牌的面貌呈现在消费者面前。近些年随着消费模式的转变,越来越多的单一系列家电品牌出现在市场上。此时,家电行业的品牌也面临新的挑战。 我们为品牌命名“向岛”并创造独特的拼写“SHINEDOW”,它是sunshine+window的简写,生活是一座个人行为的沉浸岛屿,我们在其中不断生长出新的灵感与想象。向岛,把每一种向往装进心里,以每一个细微洞察为灵感;想法滋生着、同时实践着。 以椭圆形排列字标作为品牌标识,并通过丰富色彩的运用使得品牌从视觉上脱离固有的家电品牌印象,传递更加健康、轻松且颇具仪式感的家电体验。以更高效、更视觉化的人物插图作为品牌视觉表达的核心,传递向岛的品牌调性。